FAQ for Locals

How many days am I granted before my order is forfeited?
You are allowed 3 days of hold time after the agreed date and time has been setup. Once that threshold has exceeded, the product(s) that have been purchased will go back on the shelf. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GRANTED!

What if I am local and DO NOT want to pay for shipping?
If you are local and live in the North County area, checkout as usual selecting the local option, and in the comment section, put the area you live/work in (ex. Jennings, Bellefontaine) and wait for an email for time and date for pickup/drop-off, when your order is ready. There is a $5 convenience fee that will be added onto the order at checkout.

What if I become unavailable when my order is ready?
If you realize that you will be unable to pick up your order at the agreed time, your product will be on hold for 3 days. An email or text will be sent out confirming a new pick up/drop off date and time.  After the 3 days, your product(s) will be returned to the shelf without the option of a refund.

Why is there a convenience fee if I am meeting at a location to pick up my order?
The convenience fee is in place because of the alternative option that is available. We offer customers the option to avoid certain timeframes, and shipping hassles that comes along with the standard shipping process. 

There is time that is being taken away to hand deliver your product safely and the fee also covers the transportation aspect as well.

How else can I buy your product if I am not comfortable with ordering on the website?
Unfortunately, ordering through the website is the main way of purchasing products. This business does participate in Pop-Up Shops that are local as well and that is another chance that you may have to place your order. Follow our page on Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok @litharmonyco for more updates and show occurrences.